Bad Movie There's No Such Thing As A Bad Movie!

B Movies, Cult Movies and Movies That You Might Not Have Heard Of!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I'll admit it right now, I'm a big Neil Marshall fan.  Dog Soldiers was a good movie, but then Descent was AMAZING!  Then he followed that with Doomsday, which only proved that Mr. Marshall can create female characters that are tough, without becoming a movie caricature.  Well, his latest, Centurion, continues Marshall's ongoing career greatness!

Centurion is a tale of the middle ages, Romans are attempting to conquer Great Britain and have run into a wall in Northern England when they come across the Picts.  The Picts, in this movie, are a group of rough and tumble warriors, who really don't care much for the Romans.  And, I guess, after someone came to your homeland, robing, raping and pillaging, you might not like them much either.

Our tale begins as the Romans have decided to end the conflict at any cost.  And a battalion of soldiers is dispatched to wipe out this trouble.  But, when they fall into a trap, and all but 7 are wiped out, and their general is taken prisoner.  Now, these 7 soldiers decide that it's their duty to rescue their leader.  This leads (as you might imagine) to conflict with the ultra-violent Picts!  And, thus begins a game of cat and mouse between some under-armed Romans and the Picts, who are led by Etain, a mute woman who's been raised to be the Picts greatest tracker and killer!

Centurion is a very cool 'sword and sorcery' movie, without so much of the sorcery.  Marshall's movies are just well written and well acted, they're believable without surrendering the story and Centurion is no exception.  If you enjoy a good medieval tale, with plenty of sword fights and blood, then you'll love Centurion...or if you just enjoy a great adventure tale, you'll love it. 

I'm giving Centurion 4 out of 4 cigars, it's a great movie that was largely overlooked in theatres...and now on DVD.  Do yourself a favor and grab (or rent) copy of it tonight!